Friday, October 3, 2008

My life today

Ugh. The only good thing about today is the weather. I Love the rainy cloudy colder weather we've been getting here - it's awesome! Not so cool things about today: I have to walk around Jared's enormous pile of issued Crap that is taking up my living's unbelievable the amount of crap they have given him at work since we got here. Oh well. I also have to find a job. Joy. I'm a little sad about it - I worked so hard the last few years to put Jared through culinary school, and now was supposed to be my time to get healthy and go back to school....but finances are tighter than we had expected, so I have to go back to work. Yeah, I cried a little, but what else can I do but move on and try to be happy about it? All I can do is tell myself that next year, I will go back to school. I also have to clean...a lot. My house isn't crazy dirty, just messy - Jared likes to leave things everywhere and never remembers to put things away - and then it just snowballs from there, and before I know it, I can barely see the surfaces of my furniture. And I can't even write about the things that are weighing the heaviest on my shoulders...gotta show some military love!!! Thank God for this beautiful day.

1 comment:

My kids mom, and my husband's wife said...


I just found your blog...I know all to well the piles and piles that can turn into mountains...good luck training my brother to pick up after himself! :)